Atelier Ozenfant, 1922, was designed by Le Corbusier for his friend, Ozenfant. It incorporates some of the principles which which Le Corbusier set out in his 'five points of architecture'. The main double height studio space, originally designed with roof lights which have since been replaced with a roof terrace, is flooded with light. The geometrical clarity both inside and out creates a clearly legible and peaceful interior that is both spacious and functional. For such a small building, it is dense with brilliant spatial and planning devices, thresholds begining at street level and moving up the entrance stair which brings the visitor off the main straight and reveals the laneway, various shaped windows which reflect both the planning of the interior and respond to the corner site and is filled with natural light.
Le Corbusier designed a house which was both a working and living environment and gallery simultaneously. Whilst this combination of working, living and gallery existed in the large homes of the French nobility and rural farm houses Le Corbusier created a distinctly modern version of mixed program which architect's today are proposing as a new typology.
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